
Search results:

55 - 72 of 85 results


Phytohormones Interplay: Karrikin signalling promotes ethylene synthesis to modulate roots

Date: 7 April 2021

Contributors: Swarbreck SM

Journal: Trends in Plant Science


Defining the physiological determinants of low nitrogen requirement in wheat

Date: 26 March 2021

Contributors: Fradgley NS, Bentley AR, Swarbreck SM

Journal: Biochemical Society Transactions


Plants export 2-monopalmitin to supply both fatty acyl and glyceryl moieties to arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi

Date: 20 January 2021

Contributors: Leonie H. Luginbuehl, Harrie van Erp, Henry Cheeld, Kirankumar S. Mysore, Jiangqi Wen, Giles E.D. Oldroyd, Peter J. Eastmond.

Journal: bioRxiv


The Complex Story of Plant Cyclic Nucleotide-Gated Channels

Date: 14 January 2021

Contributors: Edwin Jarratt-Barnham, Limin Wang, Youzheng Ning, Julia M. Davies

Journal: International Journal of Molecular Science


Preparation, Scanning and Analysis of Duckweed Using X-Ray Computed Microtomography

Date: 8 January 2021

Contributors: Jones Dylan H., Atkinson Brian S., Ware Alexander, Sturrock Craig J., Bishopp Anthony, Wells Darren M,

Journal: Frontiers in Plant Science


A bipartite transcription factor module controlling expression in the bundle sheath of Arabidopsis thaliana

Date: 23 November 2020

Contributors: Patrick J. Dickinson, Jana Kneřová, Marek Szecówka, Sean R. Stevenson, Steven J. Burgess, Hugh Mulvey, Anne-Maarit Bågman, Allison Gaudinier, Siobhan M. Brady & Julian M. Hibberd

Journal: Nature Plants


Local accumulation of reactive oxygen species in the rice bundle sheath during high light stress can be independent of photosynthesis and mediated by NADPH oxidase

Date: 30 October 2020

Contributors: Haiyan Xiong, Lei Hua, Ivan Reyna-Llorens, Yi Shi, Kun-Ming Chen, Nicholas Smirnoff, Johannes Kromdijk, and Julian M. Hibberd

Journal: PNAS


Common components of the strigolactone and karrikin signaling pathways suppress root branching in Arabidopsis thaliana

Date: 20 July 2020

Contributors: Swarbreck SM, Mohammad-Sidik A, Davies JM

Journal: Plant Physiology


Identification and Quantification of Major Faba Bean Seed Proteins

Date: 17 July 2020

Contributors: Ahmed O. Warsame, Nicholas Michael, Donal M. O’Sullivan, Paola Tosi

Journal: Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry


SeedGerm: a cost-effective phenotyping platform for automated seed imaging and machine-learning based phenotypic analysis of crop seed germination

Date: 13 June 2020

Contributors: Colmer J, et al., Penfield S*, Zhou J*

Journal: New Phytologist


ASY1 acts as a dosage-dependent antagonist of telomere-led recombination and mediates crossover interference in Arabidopsis’

Date: 4 June 2020

Contributors: Lambing, C.A., Kuo, P.C., Tock, A.J., Topp, S.D. and Henderson I.R.

Journal: Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA


Grain number and genotype drive nitrogen-dependent yield response in the C4 model Setaria italica (L.) P. Beauv.

Date: 25 March 2020

Contributors: Bandyopadhyay T, Swarbreck SM, Jaiswal V, Gupta R, Bentley AR, Griffiths H, Prasad M

Journal: Journal of Advanced Research


Fluorescent reporters for functional analysis in rice leaves

Date: 11 February 2020

Contributors: Leonie H. Luginbuehl, Sherif El-Sharnouby, Na Wang, and Julian M. Hibberd.

Journal: Plants direct


Reinforcement learning for sustainable agriculture

Date: 4 November 2019

Contributors: Jonathan Binas; Leonie Luginbuehl; Yoshua Bengio

Journal: ICML 2019 Workshop Climate Change: How Can AI Help.


A roadmap for lowering crop nitrogen requirement

Date: 8 October 2019

Contributors: Swarbreck SM, Wang M, Wang Y, Kindred D, Sylvester-Bradley R, Shi Weiming, Varinderpal-Singh, Bentley AR, Griffiths H

Journal: Trends in Plant Science


Combining computer vision and deep learning to enable ultra-scale aerial phenotyping and precision agriculture: a case study of lettuce

Date: 1 June 2019

Contributors: Bauer, A., Bostrom, A.G., Ball, J., Applegate, C., Cheng, T., Laycock, S., Rojas, S.M., Kirwan, J. and Zhou, J

Journal: Horticulture Research


CropSight: a scalable open and distributed data management system for crop phenotyping and IoT based crop management

Date: 31 January 2019

Contributors: Reynolds D, et al., Zhou J*

Journal: GigaScience


Photosystem II Subunit S overexpression increases the efficiency of water use in a field-grown crop

Date: 6 March 2018

Contributors: K Głowacka, J Kromdijk, K Kucera, J Xie, AP Cavanagh, L Leonelli

Journal: Nature communications

Search results:

55 - 72 of 85 results

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