Johannes Kromdijk
Head of the Environmental Plant Physiology group

Johannes obtained his BSc and MSc in Plant Sciences at Wageningen University (NL). In 2007 he was awarded the Alexander James Keith PhD studentship to work with Proffessor Howard Griffiths at the University of Cambridge (UK), where he studied the effects of light limitation on the efficiency of the carbon concentrating mechanism in C4 photosynthesis. After finishing his PhD, he worked as a research scientist in Wageningen (NL) and at the Carl R. Woese Institute for Genomic Biology (University of Illinois, USA) before returning to Cambridge. He was the 2020 SEB President’s medal recipient (plant section) and currently holds a UKRI-Future Leaders Fellowship. His research group employs a range of techniques from ecophysiology, mathematical modelling, biotechnology and genetic engineering to study plant physiology at the nexus of basic understanding of plant function and applications to improve sustainability and food security.
Illuminating stomatal responses to red light: establishing the role of Ci-dependent vs Ci-independent mechanisms
Date: 5 March 2024
Contributors: Taylor G, Walter J, Kromdijk J
Journal: Journal of Experimental Botany
Lessons from relatives: C4 photosynthesis enhances CO2 assimilation during the low-light phase of fluctuations
Date: 3 October 2023
Contributors: Arce-Cubas L, Vath RL, Bernardo EL, Sales CRG, Burnett AC, Kromdijk J
Journal: Plant Physiology
Improving C4 photosynthesis to increase productivity under optimal and suboptimal conditions
Date: 2 September 2021
Contributors: Sales CRG, Wang Y, Evers JB, Kromdijk J
Journal: Journal of Experimental Botany
Local accumulation of reactive oxygen species in the rice bundle sheath during high light stress can be independent of photosynthesis and mediated by NADPH oxidase
Date: 30 October 2020
Contributors: Haiyan Xiong, Lei Hua, Ivan Reyna-Llorens, Yi Shi, Kun-Ming Chen, Nicholas Smirnoff, Johannes Kromdijk, and Julian M. Hibberd
Journal: PNAS
Photosystem II Subunit S overexpression increases the efficiency of water use in a field-grown crop
Date: 6 March 2018
Contributors: K Głowacka, J Kromdijk, K Kucera, J Xie, AP Cavanagh, L Leonelli
Journal: Nature communications
Improving photosynthesis and crop productivity by accelerating recovery from photoprotection
Date: 18 November 2016
Contributors: J Kromdijk, K Głowacka, L Leonelli, ST Gabilly, M Iwai, KK Niyogi
Journal: Science